2009 Final Four March Madness Brackets pick'em for free


Click on each of the Regionals under the Selections Category above. When the Regional Form appears, click on the team name you believe will win the game, the team will advance. When you have completed the form submit the selections.

Note: You may complete only part of the form if you wish, and come back later to complete it, remember once the tournament begins you will not be able to update your selections - that would be cheating :-)

As the tournament progresses you can check your form again too see how your teams are doing, the teams background color will change to indicate if you were right or wrong.

Your selections are scored automatically as the master form is updated...

* A yellow background means you were right
* A gray background means you were wrong
* A white background means you have submitted your selections and means you still have a chance to win that game

Also as the tournament progresses, you can check on the tournament standings, your scoring breakdown and who the actual winners were. Click on the appropriate link.


For more information contact:

Greg Camp: 630-961-5542



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